Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm Alive!

I know what you are thinking… Where has this blogger been for a whole week?!

Well I’m alive, I was just sick. My husband was sick the week before and he gave me whatever ick he had. It was horrible. I usually don’t mind being sick because it gives me an excellent excuse to ignore the real word to lounge around with a book and a cup of hot tea. This was not that kind of being sick, my brain was seriously trying to escape from my skull or at least that is what it felt like. I could only read a few pages before my eyes hurt so bad I couldn't stand it anymore! It was not a good week.

So of course this weekend I have been catching up on EVERYTHING I didn't do last week. That wasn't so bad. I felt very productive and, if you had ADHD like me, this is a very unusual feeling. Plus it was my mom’s birthday so we took her to a garden she has been wanting to go to. Everything was dead for the more part but I still managed to take so many pictures that my camera died. Mom said it was a great day so we were happy to be able to make her happy on her special day. Plus I have allergies and will probably never be able to go to a 400 acre garden with her, or anyone else, when things are blooming. All in all it was a pretty great end to a yucky sick week.

Since I got to do so much sitting and thinking as appose to actually reading, I decided to add a new section to my blog. I’m going to call it Episodes in Non-Fiction. This is going to be where I talk a little more about my life than I do my books. It will still be predominately books related because that is huge part of my life but I do try to be social occasionally, especially around the holidays and I’d like to share some of that on my blog. We know there is more to books than just reading them and writing reviews about them so this will be the post that give a little more! At least that is what I will be shooting for!

I hope everyone had a WoNdErFul weekend and that we all have an awesome week!!!

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