Title: Slated
Author: Teri Terry
Series: Slated #1
Publication Date: January 24th, 2013
Format: e-book
Pages: 449
Kyla’s memory
has been erased,
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever.
She’s been Slated.
The government claims she was a terrorist and that they are giving her a second chance - as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth?
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever.
She’s been Slated.
The government claims she was a terrorist and that they are giving her a second chance - as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth?
Slated is a dystopian story in which children who commit crimes and are under the age of 16, have their memories whipped clean, are given a new identity as well as a new family. Our story starts with Kyla when she is being released from the hospital into the care of her new family. From the beginning we see that Kyla is different from other Slateds, she’s been in the hospital longer than the other kids and she still has nightmares. She also has a harder time keeping her emotions in check which can be extremely dangerous for someone who has been slated.
Kyla’s story takes place in a futuristic London. I liked that her world was loosely based off of someplace I could picture. Not that I have even been to London (one day!), but its London! Having the basics of the world already in my brain, made is easy to picture Kyla’s world.
Slated is one of those books where the more you read the more questions you have. We know what Kyla knows which is very little in the beginning but the more she learns the more you are drawn into her story. All the characters surprised me in some ways and I just loved that. I never guessed what was going to happen so I spent the whole book on the edge of my seat.
Since Kyla is literally a clean slate you learn so much about her world and all the people in her life it allows you to really feel right along with Kyla. The pacing of the story is brilliant. The build-up is perfect. I never felt lost or confused while reading, the story peaks and valleys perfectly. Needless to say, I was hooked from the start.
There are some extremely interesting characters in this book. In such a heavily regulated and monitored society, there are always secrets and everyone wants to keep them quiet. This allows for some huge surprises in characters that you hardly expect.
Basically Slated rocked!!! It's everything you want in a dystopian series! I can't wait to read the second book!
The Series
Teri has lived in France, Canada, Australia and England at more addresses than she can count, acquiring three degrees, a selection of passports and a silly name along the way. Past careers have included scientist, lawyer, optometrist, and, in England, various jobs in schools, libraries and an audiobook charity. The footpaths and canal ways of the Buckinghamshire Chilterns where she now lives inspired much of the setting of Slated. She hates broccoli, likes cats, and has finally worked out what she wants to do when she grows up.
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